Erik and Melanie have been MATCHED!!
Matched? What does that even mean??
It means that a birthmother has chosen Erik and Melanie to be the parents of her child!
We are very excited to have been presented with this adoption opportunity. We have spoken to the birthmother and she seems to be all in. A lot of people have asked a LOT of questions so I will try and answer some of the more common ones (and ones we actually know the answer to) here.
1. When is the baby due? Sometime in August, she is due at the end but usually delivers early.
2. What do you know about the birthmother? We know she is healthy and is receiving limited prenatal care. She is Caucasian as is the birthfather. We are choosing not to reveal too much so we can protect her privacy as much as possible.
3. Where is she? She is only a couple of hours from us in Wisconsin! This makes travel and coming home much easier for us.
4. Is this a done deal? We all have to go to court within 30 days of the birth for her to terminate her parental rights. Until then she technically has custody of the baby. We are expecting to come home shortly after the baby is born but will know more when we speak with our lawyer.
5. Do you know the sex yet? YES!!!
We are very excited!! If you have any other questions please let us know and we will answer them the best that we can.
We are asking for prayers for a healthy baby girl and that things keep going well.
Yes, yes, yes, YES!!!